Proven Customer Relationship Management Software

When it comes to building relationships with your customers, don't cut corners. Acts93 Inc. in Laguna Niguel, California, has the customer relationship management software you need to help your business grow.

GoldMine CRM™

Create contacts, records, and campaigns on the fly. GoldMine Premium Edition offers the most cost-effective and powerful tools that enable small- to mid-sized businesses and enterprises to create customers for life. GoldMine Outlook™ integration and the power of Microsoft Office 365™ on the web give you all you need to maximize your investment.

Complete CRM dashboards manage your business relationship needs with a set of visual dashboards, including pre-built dashboard parts for marketing, sales, and customer service, as well as the ability to configure your own dashboards. This program also helps you maintain a consistent selling process.

Satisfied Customer - Customer Relationship Management

Customer Service & Support

You can manage service requests effectively and improve client satisfaction with knowledge base features. GoldMine is also integrated with Microsoft Outlook™, so you don't need to switch between the two.

Microsoft Dynamics 365

Industry analysts regard Microsoft Dynamics365™ as one of the best values in the SaaS industry. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online provides you with a
powerful set of capabilities within the familiar Microsoft Outlook application. This program is a flexible solution that transforms the way businesses find, win, and retain customers.

Connect Employees, Partners, & Customers

Use Microsoft Dynamics CRM to execute targeted campaigns, close deals faster, and turn customers into fans. Our solution streamlines processes so that you can focus on building business. You can accelerate time-to-value with highly configurable best practices and connect to people through multiple social networks and communication channels.

Unify Your Experiences

Microsoft Dynamics CRM unifies the experience for engaging prospects, customers, and colleagues across browsers, applications, and mobile devices. Optimize productivity with familiar applications such as Microsoft SharePoint™, Skype™, Microsoft Office™, and Yammer™.

Contact us to learn more about the different types of customer relationship management software we license.